Artlantis 2020 Full Version

Artlantis 2020 Full Version

Artlantis 2020 Full Version

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 11:57 PM PDT

Artlantis 2020 – Artlantis 2020 Full Version merupakan software yang biasa digunakan untuk rendering 3D Desain oleh para profesional desainer maupun arsitek. Untuk performa rendering dari software ini, tentu nggak perlu diragukan lagi kemampuannya.

Artlantis 2020 ini memiliki realtime rendering engine, yang mempermudah kamu dalam mengatur texture hingga material untuk Object dengan cepat. Software ini tentunya sangat cocok untuk render high-resolution 3D Design, Quicktime VR Objects, dan Animasi.

Download Artlantis 2020 Full Version


Artlantis 2020 Artlantis 2020

System Requirements:


  • Intel i3 4Core @2GHz
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • System: Windows 8
  • Graphic Card: 1 GB, OpenGL
  • Display: 1280 x 800 pixels


  • Intel Core i7, 4+ Core
  • RAM: 16 GB
  • System: Windows 10
  • Graphic Card: 2 GB managing OpenGL
  • Display: 1920 x 1080 pixels


Cara Install:

  1. Download Artlantis 2020 Full Version melalui link yang telah disediakan.
  2. Wajib matikan koneksi internet dan antivirus.
  3. Ekstrak seluruh file termasuk file Jamu yang ada di dalamnya menggunakan WinRAR terbaru.
  4. Jalankan installer bernama “Setup.exe“, lalu install hingga selesai.
  5. Jika sudah selesai, jangan dibuka dulu programnya.
  6. Buka folder Jamu, lalu Copy seluruh file yang ada didalamnya kemudian Paste ke folder direktori instalasi Artlantis 2020.
    Contoh: C:\Program Files\Artlantis 2020\
  7. Done, Full Version.

Semoga bermanfaat :)

Adobe InDesign CC 2020 Full Version

Posted: 11 Mar 2020 08:10 PM PDT

Adobe InDesign CC 2015.3 Full VersionBAGAS31 – Adobe InDesign CC 2020 Full Version adalah sebuah software dari Adobe untuk membuat desain layout cetak ataupun online. Software ini memiliki fitur canggih dan pengatur layout yang bisa sobat gunakan untuk mendesain dengan cepat dan efisien.

Software ini mendukung import gambar dan teks dari berbagai format, termasuk file PDF dan XML. File yang di import pun bisa diedit, yang mencakup layer, cascading style, tabel dan template. Di artikel ini saya akan membagikan versi terbaru yaitu Adobe InDesign CC 2020 Full Version. Tanpa panjang lebar, langsung saja download melalui link yang sudah disediakan.

Adobe InDesign CC 2020 Full Version



  • Adobe InDesign CC 2020 Full Version
    Part 1 | 600 MB : [FileUp] | [MediaFire] | [GDrive]

    Part 2 | 446 MB : [FileUp] | [MediaFire] | [GDrive]
  • Password: | Status: Tested (Windows 10 – 64bit)

Download juga:

Features Update:

  • SVG import: Support for importing SVG files in InDesign.
  • Column rules: Support for column rules in a multi-column text frame.
  • Reverse spell-check: Specify the direction or order by which InDesign scans the text in your document for spelling errors.
  • Find similar images: Directly access graphic assets similar to the ones placed in your document.
  • More languages: Support for five new South-East Asian scripts.
  • Variable fonts: Support for variable fonts.
  • Adobe Asset linking: Directly access and modify the content stored in AEM Assets without leaving InDesign.
  • In-app Onboarding resources: New self-serve resources available within InDesign to help you get started.
  • Data merge:Has an enhanced user experience.
  • Removal of Flash Formats: With Flash Player reaching end-of-life, InDesign removes the support for Flash format files.
  • In-app troubleshooting support: Troubleshooting support right when you run into an issue while opening or saving files.
  • Stability and performance: Better product stability, application performance, and user experience.

Cara Install:

  1. Download file melalui link di atas.
  2. Uninstall versi sebelumnya (jika ada).
  3. Matikan koneksi internet. Wajib.
  4. Ekstrak file part dengan Winrar atau software sejenis.
  5. Jalankan setup installer.
  6. Buka program. Done. Sudah bisa digunakan dan Full Version.
  7. Nyalakan kembali koneksi internet.
  8. Selesai. Enjoy!

Semoga bermanfaat.

Hajriah Fajar is a multi-talented Indonesian artist, writer, and content creator. Born in December 1987, she grew up in a village in Bogor Regency, where she developed a deep appreciation for the arts. Her unconventional journey includes working as a professional parking attendant before pursuing higher education. Fajar holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Nusamandiri University, demonstrating her ability to excel in both creative and technical fields. She is currently working as an IT professional at a private hospital in Jakarta while actively sharing her thoughts, artwork, and experiences on various social media platforms.

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