Minitube 3.5.1 Full Version

Minitube 3.5.1 Full Version

Minitube 3.5.1 Full Version

Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:09 AM PDT

Minitube 3.5.1BAGAS31 – Minitube 3.5.1 Full Version adalah software yang bisa Kamu andalkan untuk menonton video di YouTube. Nah, dengan menggunakan Minitube YouTube 3.5.1 Full Version ini, Kamu juga bisa memutar video YouTube kualitas Full HD dengan lancar dan halus loh.

Selain itu juga Minitube 3.5.1 Full Version ini juga akan memperkecil penggunaan CPU karena software ini tidak menggunakan Flash Player untuk memutar video dari YouTube. Ada banyak fitur keren di dalam software ini, salah satu contohnya Kamu bisa melakukan subscribe terhadap suatu akun tanpa perlu melakukan login. Gimana? Tertarik untuk coba Minitube  3.5.1 Full Version ini? Langsung aja download melalui link di bawah ya!

Download Minitube 3.5.1 Full Version


Minitube 3.5.1 Minitube 3.5.1


Cara Install:

  1. Download Minitube 3.5.1 Full Version melalui link yang telah disediakan.
  2. Matikan antivirus kamu terlebih dahulu.
  3. Ekstrak file yang sudah kamu download menggunakan WinRAR terbaru.
  4. Jalankan Minitube 3.5.1.exe untuk mulai menginstall program.
  5. Install seperti biasa.
  6. Tunggu hingga proses selesai.
  7. Done!

Semoga bermanfaat :)

Wondershare PDFelement Pro Full Version

Posted: 30 Aug 2020 11:56 PM PDT

Wondershare PDFelement Pro Full VersionBAGAS31 – Wondershare PDFelement Pro Full Version adalah software editing PDF dengan fitur yang sangat lengkap dan sangat mudah untuk Kamu gunakan. Software ini juga dapat Kamu gunakan untuk semua kebutuhan yang berhubungan dengan file PDF. Mulai dari editing file PDF dengan berbagai fitur canggih, kemudian convert file PDF ke format file lainnya atau sebaliknya.

Berbagai macam fitur menarik sudah tersedia lengkap di dalam Wondershare PDFelement Pro Full Version ini. Kamu dapat dengan mudah mengunci file PDF Kamu, kemudian membuat signature supaya orang tau bahwa itu file PDF milik Kamu, dan juga ada fitur combine yang memungkinkan Kamu untuk menggabungkan bebeberapa file PDF menjadi satu file PDF. So? Tunggu apa lagi, Langsung aja download Wondershare PDFelement Pro Full Version ini di link di bawah ini ya!

Download Wondershare PDFelement Pro Full Version


Wondershare PDFelement Pro Full Version

Wondershare PDFelement Pro Full Version

Fitur Wondershare PDFelement Pro:

  • Edit
    With PDF element, alter text and change fonts as you do in Microsoft Suite. Simply click and start typing – it's that easy.
  • ​OCR
    Our top-of-the-line OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology turns scanned documents into a fully editable document allowing you to: search, edit, format, resize, all text. Multiple languages supported including: English,Korean, Russian, German, Spanish, and many more.
  • ​Convert
    Want to work on the document with other programs? Convert from and to PDF directly from Word, Excel, Image, and other popular file types.
  • ​Add Image
    A picture is worth a thousand words. Simply insert an image to your PDF and rearrange the sizing appropriate to your document.
  • ​Bates Numbering
    Working on a legal document and want an easy way of identification and retrieval? Place identifying numbers on each page to help index multiple pages for easy recognition and search.
  • ​Form Creation
    Edit an existing form or create your own with customizable field options such as: text field, check box, radio button, combo box, list box, button, or a signature field. They are all interactive to make data collection or survey creation a breeze.
  • ​Combine
    Have more than one file you want to combine? PDF element allow for the conversion of multiple files into one simple PDF for easy organization.
  • ​Annotation
    Highlight important text with our highlighting tool or make sticky notes to communicate detailed information. Select from over 20 predefined stamps to help archive or customize your own to feature a specific area of the document.
  • ​Password Protect
    We know some of your documents are sensitive and needs a layer of protection. Set restrictions for opening, copying, editing, and printing to make sure your files are safe even if they fall into the wrong hands.
  • ​Signature
    Received an RFP or need to sign a contract? Use the provided industry-standard encrypted digital signatures or create one specifically for your handwritten signature.
  • ​Redaction
    Some information are confidential and sensitive to the public eye. To avoid private information from getting out, the redaction tool offers the ability to permanently black out the text or image.​


System Requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows 8.1/8/7/XP/Vista.
  • Processor: 1Ghz Processor or above.
  • RAM: 512MB RAM or above.
  • Available Hard Drive Space: 500 MB or above.

Cara Install:

  1. Download dan ekstrak file Wondershare PDFelement Full Version ini dengan WinRar terbaru termasuk file Jamu di dalamnya.
  2. Matikan Antivirus Kamu terlebih dahulu.
  3. Install Programnya seperti biasa
  4. Setelah selesai, Jangan di buka dulu programnya.
  5. Buka folder Jamu, lalu copy-paste file Pacth ke dalam folder instalasi program Windershare PDFelement.
    Contoh: C:\Program Files (x86)\Wondershare\PDFelement 7.
  6. Jalankan file patch dengan cara klik kanan > Run as Administrator.
  7. Klik Patch.
  8. Done! Full Version.

Semoga bermanfaat :)

ApowerREC Full Version

Posted: 30 Aug 2020 10:00 PM PDT

ApowerREC Full VersionBAGAS31 – ApowerREC Full Version adalah software yang akan membantu Anda untuk me-record seluruh aktifitas di layar PC dengan kualitas yang sangat baik. Software ini juga dapat Anda gunakan untuk merekam game yang Anda mainkan dengan kualitas HD. Ada juga fitur real-time editing yang memungkinkan anda mengedit video langsung saat Anda merekamnya.

Pastinya fitur seperti ini akan sangat dibutuhkan bagi Anda yang menginginkan hasil rekaman yang sempurna tanpa perlu editing lagi menggunakan aplikasi edit video lainnya.Program ApowerREC Full Version ini juga dapat mengambil screenshoot saat Anda sedang melakukan proses perekaman layar. Format output yang disediakan juga cukup banyak dan populer seperti MP4, MOV, AVI, WMV, dan berbagai macam format populer lainnya.

Anda juga dapat merekam percakapan dari webcam dengan menggunakan aplikasi ApowerREC Full Version  ini. Jadi jika Kamu sedang mencari software recording, Kamu bisa cobain download software ApowerREC Full Version ini, link download ada dibawah ini ya.

Download ApowerREC Full Version

Screenshot: ApowerREC Full Version ApowerREC Full Version


  • Edit Videos: Make real-time editing during the recording or deploy advanced editing and add effects after the Apowersoft ApowerREC Crack recording.
  • Record Webcam: Record webcam Apowersoft ApowerREC Crack only or record webcam along with your screen simultaneously.
  • Task Recording: Create scheduled tasks to record PC screen/webcam automatically or follow a running application to record.
  • Studying: You can create stunning studying material and showcases. This can be achieved by recording live streaming lectures, online webinars and other similar events.
  • Gaming: Record your finest gaming moments smoothly with HD quality, take screenshots of certain segments and share these awesome gameplay experience with others.
  • General Use: Apowersoft ApowerREC Crack Other general use offered by this PC screen recorder includes saving the wonder video chat moment, recording a short video clip for troubleshooting and customer support, etc.
  • Convert Video: Convert the recorded videos into different formats like MP4, AVI, WMV, MOV, etc.
  • Take Screenshots: Take a screenshot with one click and it will be saved automatically.
  • Record Audio: Adjust the volume Apowersoft ApowerREC Crack and customize the audio sources from sound card or microphone.
  • Teaching & Training: Record online class lecture for e-learning and add some annotations to it for better illustration. This video recording software can make your presentation become more vivid.


Cara Install:

  1. Download dan esktrak file ApowerRec Full Version ini, dengan WinRar terbaru.
  2. Ekstrak juga file Jamu yang berada di dalam folder tersebut.
  3. Instal programnya seperti biasa.
  4. Setelah proses instalasi selesai, jangan langsung masuk ke dalam programnya.
  5. Buka folder Jamu, lalu copy-paste semua file yang ada ke dalam folder instalasi ApowerRec di pc atau laptop anda.
  6. Pilih copy and replace.
  7. Jalankan programnya dari file Jamu yang anda copy tadi.
  8. Done, enjoy!

Semoga bermanfaat :)

Hajriah Fajar is a multi-talented Indonesian artist, writer, and content creator. Born in December 1987, she grew up in a village in Bogor Regency, where she developed a deep appreciation for the arts. Her unconventional journey includes working as a professional parking attendant before pursuing higher education. Fajar holds a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Nusamandiri University, demonstrating her ability to excel in both creative and technical fields. She is currently working as an IT professional at a private hospital in Jakarta while actively sharing her thoughts, artwork, and experiences on various social media platforms.

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